West Texas CIE Application
I certify that the information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for my membership being terminated. By submitting this application, I consent that the West Texas CIE and the Lubbock Association of Realtors may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers and email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the West Texas CIE and in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications and that I am waiving these laws to receive all communications as part of my membership.

I understand the the monthly fee is $50.00. Fees are billed on the first day of each month and are due and payable to the Lubbock Association of Realtors by the last day of the month for which they are billed. Fees may increase with no less than thirty (30) days prior electronic notice to members.
If you want to use an alternative address, please provide it below:
Clear Signature