Please remember your Agent ID now begins with lbk. (include the period at the end)

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Q. How long can a Coming Soon listing be in Coming Soon status?

A. 21 calendar days

Q. How long after public marketing starts do I have before entering it in the MLS?

A. One (1) business day

Q. What is “public marketing?”

A. Any marketing outside your office, including word of mouth by your client.

Q. What is a business day?

A. Any day other than weekends or major holidays.

Q. Can Coming Soon listings be shown?

A. Yes. It is not required that showings be allowed, but if it is allowed for one person it must be allowed for all.

Q. When marking a listing Sold, should I enter myself as the Selling Agent and the other agent as the Selling Co-Agent?

A. No. The Listing Agent is never entered as the Selling Agent unless the Listing Agent acted as intermediary. The Selling Agent is the agent representing the buyer. In some cases the team owner requests to be added as the Selling Co-Agent. Please ask the Selling Agent their preference. Some teams only want the agent you dealt with entered as Selling Agent, others want only the team owner entered, some want both. The Selling Agent and Selling Co-Agent must be in the same office.

Q. What is a Co-Agent, and when should I use it?

A. The co-agent is the team member of the agent you dealt with during the transaction. Most of the time it is the team owner. You should include the team owner/co-agent when you are asked to. The Buyer’s Agent should let you know if a co-agent or a different agent should be included.

Q. I entered a listing after it Sold and I’m trying to mark it Sold, but it won’t let me. It says something about the Estimated Selling Date, but I don’t see that field.

A. There are a couple of issues involved here. First, entering a listing after it sells means the listing is out of compliance with Clear Cooperation. Please email or call Tonya for suggestions when your client doesn’t want it in MLS but does want you to market the listing outside of your office.  The second issue is that you skipped the status of Under Contract, which is where the Estimated Selling Date is located. Mark the listing as Under Contract, save/submit it, then go in and mark the listing Sold.

Q. There are people in my office that have questions about the MLS that was not covered in the MLS training. Is there any other MLS training available?

A. Yes, Tonya can provide additional training for groups of 10 or more at the LAR Event Center. Typically the time needed is about 2 hours for 3-4 topics of your choice. If a shorter or longer amount of time is needed please mention this and the date you would like to have the training when you contact Tonya. She will send a list of topics.